The Future of Transportation

The Future of Transportation

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With the promise of delivery drones, personal helicopters, and groceries delivered right to your refrigerator, one might think we are living in the best of transportation times. Most city commuters would be quick to tell you otherwise.

Of all the technological interventions continuously inserted into our daily travels, which ones will last? Is ride-sharing here to stay? In ten years will we all be taking autonomous vehicles to work? Will traffic as we know it cease to exist? While this volume makes no promises or predictions, it does take a step back from the hype of the new to explore what might seem like yesterday's solutions: buses, bikes and even trains. Perhaps remedies to our transportation woes are not all in the future but are hiding in plain and present sight.

The Future of Transportation is the third volume in the SOM Thinkers series, conceived by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. SOM Thinkers originated from a desire to start a public conversation about the built environment. Rather than frame the subject in the expected "professional" language, the series poses today's most pressing questions about design and architecture in a bold and accessible way.

This volume features work by Henry Grabar, Oliver Franklin-Wallis, Laura Bliss, Darran Anderson, Nick Van Mead, Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, Alison Griswold and Christopher Schaberg, with artwork by Olalekan Jeyifous.

By SOM Thinkers Series 
Metropolis Books, 2019
Paperback, 124 pages
4.25 x 7.01 inches

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